Industrial Automation & Machine Design

The company has the capacity to provide complete engineering solutions in-house as well as deal with specific manufacturing issues at your site. Using a network of proven suppliers, we can also offer turnkey projects involving complex mechanical and electrical design and build issues.

We service end users across a wide spectrum of industries. These include the Automotive, Food Processing, Manufacturing, Extrusion, and Foundry Industries.

Multimech Solutions uses its experience in wider applications across multiple industries to provide you with the best bespoke solutions to the problems at hand. Indeed, our vast knowledge of industrial processes ensures that the best practice is implemented in all our projects.

Multimech Solutions Logo
Multconv Logo

“Our expertise is well recognised within the industry and is based on an array of successful and high-profile projects that have been implemented worldwide across 20 years of experience.”

Multimech Solutions Ltd has been supported through LEADER in the Peak District Rural Action Zone, part of the Rural Development Programme for England, which is jointly funded by Defra and the European Union, and is delivered by Derbyshire Economic Partnership


Derbyshire Economic Partnership



Eu Funded

The European Agricultural Fund For Rural Development

LEADER High Peak